- After logging into the cPanel, click MX Entry under Mail category.
- Setting a custom MX Entry is useful if you want your email handled by another server, or if you want to setup a backup email server.
- Add New Record (Enter a priority number for the next MX Record: the lower priority numbers will be tried first, followed by higher numbers).
- Then enter the new MX Entry. Destination must be a FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name). Click Add New Record.
- You are done. The new MX record has been added.
- Example: (yourdomain.com – Priority 0 and mx1.myexchange.com – Priority 1)
- So in this case, the default mail.yourdomain.com mail server will be tried first because it has a priority of 0. Followed by the new mail server mx1.myexchange.com, because its priority number is set to 1.
- You can return to this page at any time to make changes to your MX Entries and their priorities or to delete existing MX Entries.
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