- After logging into the cPanel, click FTP Accounts under Files category.
- Fill up necessary information :
- Login: Enter your username. (Example: demo)
- Password: Enter the password.
- Password (again): Retype the password.
- Quota: Select FTP quota.
- It will create the directory like this (/home/yourdomain/public_html/demo) [ Assume that, our domain name is yourdomain.com ]
- If you leave /demo in the directory box, then the user of this FTP account will only have access to the /demo directory, and all folders under it.
- To give the user access to the entire website, you would delete everything except the forward slash “/”.
- When ready, click Create FTP Account.
- You are done. The new FTP account has been created.
- Under FTP Accounts, you will find your newly created account where you can change the FTP accounts password, change its quota, or delete the account altogether.
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